
About this community

The Future of Leadership Forum is part of "Weaving the Future" (, a consortium of grassroots communities, inspired by Lynne Twist and her message of sufficiency and resourcefulness, coming together to co-create a shared future that works for all.

These events are being created in partnership with DBA…Partners. This newly formed organization has galvanized our community to step up, make commitments and move into action around the things that are meaningful.

About Lynne Twist:
Lynne Twist, global visionary, author, speaker, master fundraiser, human rights advocate and environmental activist is returning to Japan in May 2014 after more than 20 years absence.

Her book, "The Soul of Money," speaks to the possibility of creating a new relationship with money, life and personal power based on the principle of sufficiency—freedom from the toxic myths of scarcity: ‘there’s not enough for everyone’, ‘more is better’, and ‘that’s just the way it is…there’s nothing we can do about it.’

Lynne raised over 200 million dollars as Chief Fundraising Officer with The Hunger Project, while traveling the world working to end starvation on the planet. Today her collaboration with the Nobel Women’s Initiative supports the movement to end violence against women everywhere. She is a compelling advocate for grass roots organizations and NPOs working towards environmental and social justice and creating a thriving, sustainable human presence on the planet in harmony with the natural world.

The Pachamama Alliance, co-founded by Lynne, her husband Bill Twist, and Jon Perkins, in partnership with the Achuar tribe in Ecuador, defends the rights of indigenous people in the Amazon rainforest, and also strives to awaken people all over the world to the state affairs on our planet, and the pressing need for everyone to become a change agent, to become part of the solution, through realizing how amazingly resource-full we all are in committed community.

Past events

Saturday, May 16, 2015
53 participants
Tokyo Tsukiji Hongan-ji 3-15-1 Tsukiji Chuo, Tokyo 104-8435 Tsukiji Hongaji Temple (Kodo Hall)
Thursday, May 15, 2014
84 participants
Tokyo Inyu Kaikan Hall 4-10-28 Higashi, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-8440 Japan 東京都渋谷区東4丁目10−28 Kokugakuin University (Shibuya Campus) Inyu Kaikan Hall